Image expert wants more body language

A smile, a hug and a voice makeover are the three key ingredients needed to make the leaders of Britain's three main political…

A smile, a hug and a voice makeover are the three key ingredients needed to make the leaders of Britain's three main political parties more attractive to voters, a leading image consultant said yesterday.

"All three need to present an image voters can relate to," Ms Lesley Everett advised. She said the Labour leader had made a big mistake when confronted by an angry woman outside a hospital last week. Mr Blair kept his arms crossed instead of copying Mr Bill Clinton's touchy-feely technique.

"It was bad body language. He showed defensiveness. Bill Clinton would have put his hands on her shoulders and made her feel at ease. Tony Blair needs to get back in touch with the people," she said.

Mr Hague needed to let his hair grow and let his natural voice out of the dungeon where he had locked it, she said. The Liberal Democrats leader, Mr Charles Kennedy, had a great natural sense of humour, but a mouth that turned down at the sides, making him look perpetually sad.