IMC gives bank raid report to governments

The Irish and British governments have received a report from the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) on the £26

The Irish and British governments have received a report from the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) on the £26.5 million sterling Belfast bank robbery.

An IMC spokeswoman said the governments had been given the "ad hoc" report today and it was up to the two administrations to decide when it would be published. The Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, confirmed that his office had received the report.

A Government spokeswoman told ireland.comthe Cabinet would "consider the report at its next meeting" and the report would not be made public before that. The Cabinet is due to meet on Tuesday next, but it is believed the report may not be published for a number of days after this.

Both Dublin and London have agreed with assessments by the PSNI and the Garda that the Provisional IRA was responsible for the December 20th raid. Republicans have denied involvement in the raid.


The IMC was set up by the governments in January 2004 to report to them on the activities of paramilitary groups.

Earlier this week, the Taoiseach encouraged the IMC not to recommend penalties against Sinn Féin in its report.

During an hour-long meeting in Government Buildings with the four-strong commission on Monday, Mr Ahern said he had "given my views" on the subject.

Under the legislation setting up the body, the IMC has the power to recommend "remedial actions", including penalties, to bring paramilitary organisations into line.