In Short

A round-up of today's other court stories in brief...

A round-up of today's other court stories in brief ...

A 27-year-old man has been remanded on bail at the Dublin District Court charged with disorderly conduct, threatening and abusive behaviour and failure to comply with an order from gardaí. Judge Miriam Malone yesterday remanded Seán Mackey (above) , from South Park, Foxrock, Co Dublin, on continuing bail to appear again before Dublin District Court on January 29th.

John Feeney, solicitor for Mr Mackey, consented to the decision during the brief hearing.

He was charged at Pearse Street Garda station after two gardaí saw a man urinating on Grafton Street at about 2am on December 29th.

Search for teenager wound down

The search for a teenager who has been missing in Co Wexford since New Year's Eve has not ended but a new line of inquiry is being sought by gardaí investigating the case, writes Steven Carroll.

Cónal Owens (18), from Kilteel, Co Kildare, has not been seen since he separated from friends while walking to Curracloe Beach to ring in the new year.


Mr Owens told the group to go ahead as he wanted to go to the toilet and was in contact with them via mobile phone shortly afterwards, at about 11.45pm, to say he was on his way.

However, he did not arrive to meet them.

A Garda spokesman said that the search for Mr Owens has been wound down as all areas have been thoroughly examined, but that the case is not closed.

“We request landowners in the local areas check their holdings and buildings. The searches have covered a lot of ground in the area including water and woodland areas but to no avail.”

“If any new clues or lines of inquiry are discovered, they will be fully investigated.”

More than 1,500 people from the local community and Mr Owen’s native Co Kildare took part in the search.

Golf club case ruling reserved

The High Court has reserved judgment on a case which will determine whether the 73.4 per cent shareholding held by the trustees of Killarney golf club in the €9.4 million club lands should be returned to Fáilte Ireland.

Mr Justice Peter Charleton has been asked to decide whether the 1987 transfer of Bord Fáilte’s majority shareholding in the lands owned by the club to the club’s trustees is valid or


The three-day hearing of the action in the Commercial Court concluded yesterday and Mr Justice Charleton said he would give judgment on February 17th.

Fáilte Ireland wants a court declaration that the trust is invalid, which would mean the 73.4 per cent shareholding held by the trust in the club lands at Killeen, Lackabane and O’Mahony’s Point, Killarney, would revert to Fáilte Ireland to deal with as it chose.

The club’s trustees have argued the trust is valid because, they claim, it is a charitable trust for the promotion of tourism in the Killarney area with a consequent benefit for the public.

Fáilte Ireland has argued the club is effectively a private golf club.