In Short

A round-up of today's other stories in brief.

A round-up of today's other stories in brief.

Ahern signals no major tax cuts in budget

The Taoiseach has signalled that there will be no major tax cuts in the coming budget.

In an interview with the Cork Evening Echo Mr Ahern said the Government would again examine the tax bands to see whether their size should be linked to inflation.


"We're not changing the structure. We don't think that is necessary," Mr Ahern said.

The Government's tax policy had been successful. "It has allowed us to put billions into social welfare and the health service. Our tax system has to be sustainable and equitable," he added.

He also moved to play down any suggestion of a rift between himself and some Progressive Democrats after he defended the role of the Catholic Church in Irish society in the face of strong criticism by Liz O'Donnell.

"I felt strongly that she was wrong. It doesn't affect my relationship with Liz O'Donnell and certainly not with Mary Harney," the Taoiseach said.

Second shooting investigated

Gardaí in Limerick are investigating a second shooting on the north side of the city in just over 48 hours.

A single shot was fired at the front window of a house in the Lee Estate at 12.30am on Thursday.

No one was injured in the attack, but the house was occupied at the time.

It is understood the shot was discharged from a shotgun.

Gardaí have appealed to anyone who may have witnessed the incident to contact Mayorstone station at 061-456980.

Thursday night's gun attack was the second on the north side of the city in just over 48 hours.

A house in Kileely was targeted in a similar way at 11pm on Tuesday. Again nobody was injured, but the house was occupied at the time.

Initial inquiries suggest the incidents are not connected, according to garda sources.

Women freed without charge

Two women who were arrested following Wednesday night's seizure of €280,000 worth of cocaine have been released without charge.

The women, aged 24 and 26, were arrested following a surveillance operation at Colbert Station in Limerick after they returned from Dublin by train.

It is understood the women were carrying 4kg of cocaine hidden in shopping bags.

They were detained at Roxboro Garda station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act but were released without charge late on Wednesday night.

Senior Garda sources have described this latest haul as a major blow against one of the country's biggest drugs gangs who are based on the south side of Limerick city.

Robbers posed as gardaí

Gardai in Boyle, Co Roscommon, are seeking assistance in their investigations into an incident last Wednesday when a lorry travelling from Dublin to the west was attacked and robbed by men posing as gardaí on the N4.