In short

Other world stories in brief

Other world stories in brief

Nurse jailed for insulin murders

A nurse was jailed for life yesterday after being found guilty of murdering four elderly patients with lethal doses of the diabetes drug insulin.

Colin Norris (32) from Glasgow, was told he would serve a minimum of 30 years in jail. He gave the drugs to four women during his time at two hospitals in Leeds in 2002. - (Reuters)


Six killed in Lahore attack

A suicide bomber has killed at least six people in a truck bomb attack at the entrance to a Pakistani naval college in the eastern city of Lahore. The bomber killed himself and four others in the initial attack yesterday, navy officials said, but two more people died in secondary explosions that followed. - (Reuters)

German airports strike

German unions have called for airport and rail service strikes across the country which could disrupt travel for millions and hurt the economy.

The Verdi union said yesterday that workers at eight airports, including Frankfurt, would strike today to put pressure on the government to agree to an 8 per cent wage increase for some 2 million public-sector workers. - (Reuters)

Six found dead in house

The bodies of four adults and two children, as well as three children clinging to life after being stabbed or shot were found by police who broke into a Memphis house.

Officers said they were treating the case as a multiple homicide but otherwise released little information, including whether they believed the killer was at large or among the dead. - (AP)

10 shot in land battle

At least 10 Egyptians have been shot dead and up to 27 others wounded in a gun battle following a dispute over ownership of a plot of agricultural land in rural Egypt, security sources said.

They said that the gunfight broke out yesterday between two groups of armed private security men - employed by two rival associations that both claim ownership of the plot - when one side tried to take the land by force from the other. - (Reuters)