In short

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More world news in brief.

Way cleared for Bloomberg to seek third term

NEW YORK -New York city council has approved a Bill that will allow mayor Michael Bloomberg to run for a third term and bypass a term limits law. Mr Bloomberg has argued that he has the financial background and unique expertise to steer the city through what is feared to be the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression. - (Washington Post service)

NY police accused of sodomy


NEW YORK -Prosecutors are investigating allegations that a man was beaten and sodomised by police officers in a Brooklyn subway station last week.

Michael Mineo (24) was approached by several officers on suspicion he was smoking marijuana, followed into a subway station, handcuffed and sodomised, according to his lawyer, Kevin Mosley. - (Reuters)

Russian aircraft in hijack scare

MOSCOW -A passenger on a Russian internal flight triggered a hijack scare yesterday, a law enforcement source told Interfax news agency. A man shouting "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) demanded the flight divert to Vienna, the source said. Later, Interfax quoted a source as saying the incident might have been caused by a drunk passenger and the situation had been calmed before landing. - (Reuters)

Kampusch case repoened

VIENNA -Austria has reopened a criminal investigation into the kidnapping of Natascha Kampusch (pictured) to determine whether more people were involved, officials said yesterday.

Ms Kampusch was abducted in 1998 at the age of 10 and was held in a cell beneath a house garage until her dash to freedom in August 2006. Her captor, Wolfgang Priklopil, took his own life hours after her escape. - (Reuters)