Industry leader pins prosperity in North on political progress

The chairman of the Confederation of British Industry in the North, Mr Chris Gibson, has said that political progress will create…

The chairman of the Confederation of British Industry in the North, Mr Chris Gibson, has said that political progress will create tremendous economic opportunities. In his New Year message, Mr Gibson said: "For many of us the past year has seen difficult trading conditions.

"1999 will also be a tough year bringing fresh challenges and opportunities. We have much to accomplish, and everyone's determination will be needed to create a more prosperous Northern Ireland.

"Political progress and stability will create the basis for economic gains, including new investments in the industries of tomorrow in electronics, communications and tourism as well as investment in our existing industries."

In his New Year message, the Presbyterian Moderator, Dr John Dixon, called on Northern Assembly members to put "divine principles before party or personal gain" and to ensure that all legislation passed would "honour the Sovereign Lord".


Issues such as abortion and euthanasia must unite "all God-fearing members and ensure that the creator's rights are respected as paramount in society".

The Alliance president, Dr Phillip McGarry, also issued a New Year message. He said the Belfast Agreement had been a major breakthrough in 1998, but he warned that there remained distrust and deep divisions in society which must be resolved if there was to be long-term peace and stability.

"We must use the opportunities created by the Good Friday agreement to dedicate ourselves with greater resolve than ever to break down the barriers which have existed for far too long," he said.