Iran says it will not stop nuclear project

IRAN: Iran warned the Group of Eight yesterday that it had no intention of halting its nuclear programme despite criticism by…

IRAN: Iran warned the Group of Eight yesterday that it had no intention of halting its nuclear programme despite criticism by G8 leaders of Tehran's level of co-operation with the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

"Using peaceful nuclear energy is Iran's natural right and ... G8 countries should not expect Iran to abandon this right," Foreign Ministry spokesman Mr Hamid Reza Asefi said.

G8 leaders issued a statement on Wednesday accusing Iran of dragging its feet on full disclosure of its nuclear activities. "We deplore Iran's delays, deficiencies in co-operation and inadequate disclosures," the statement said.

Iran denies Washington's assertion that it is building a secret nuclear arms capability and says its nuclear programme will be used only to generate electricity. "Iran has shown its full commitment to the non-proliferation of atomic weapons in practice and its transparent co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency is proof of that," Mr Asefi said.