Iran to hold further nuclear talks with EU

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator will meet European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Geneva on July 19th for talks …

Iran's chief nuclear negotiator will meet European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Geneva on July 19th for talks on Iran's disputed nuclear programme, Iran's official IRNA news agency said today.

The visit follows up a trip in June when Mr Solana presented a package of incentives proposed by world powers to coax Iran to halt sensitive nuclear work the West fears is aimed making bombs, a charge Tehran denies. Iran has offered its own package to resolve the standoff.

"Based on Solana's invitation, Saeed Jalili will meet Solana in Geneva on July 19th to discuss the nuclear package," Ahmad Khademolmelleh, spokesman for Iran's Supreme National security Council, told IRNA.

Tehran has repeatedly refused to suspend its uranium enrichment activities, as demanded by the six world powers to start formal negotiations on the offer, which includes help to develop a civilian nuclear programme.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had called the demand "illegitimate".

Tension has increased this week after Iran tested missiles in the Gulf and the United States reminded Tehran that it was ready to defend its allies. Fears of conflict have helped to push oil prices back over $143 a barrel.

The diplomats say the powers - the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China - have offered to hold preliminary talks to discuss modalities for formal discussions. Enriched uranium can be used as fuel for power plants but also, if refined much more, provide material for nuclear bombs.

The United states and its European allies accuse Iran of trying to build nuclear bombs under cover of a civilian programme. Iran insists it needs nuclear technology to generate electricity.

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