Ireland to retain EU mackerel fishery share

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Dr Woods, yesterday said it was a "good deal for Irish fishermen"

The Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Dr Woods, yesterday said it was a "good deal for Irish fishermen". The EU and Irish negotiating team had "successfully faced down unrelenting Norwegian attempts to increase its share" of the jointly-owned stock, he said in a statement.

A deal on blue whiting also represented a "major achievement", the Minister said. Under the agreement, Norway's share of blue whiting in western waters has been cut by a further 10,000 tonnes, following a similar decrease last year. Blue whiting is a developing alternative fishery for the Irish mackerel fleet, which is under pressure to diversify.

The EU/Norway talks were held in preparation for this month's EU Fisheries Council, which will set total allowable catches for next year.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times