Cold snap brings a sharp end to spell of sunny weather

Recent warm weather not uncommon for March but lasted longer than usual

Walkers enjoying the Sun and Dun Laoghaire Pier over the weekend. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw

Colder temperatures are expected over the coming days, putting an end to Ireland’s recent sunny and hot weather.

The warm spell in recent days - with temperatures hitting 20 degrees - is not uncommon for March but it did last longer than is usual for this time of year, according to Met Éireann forecaster Paul Downes.

“[March] is a transition month between winter and summer. We seem to be returning to usual March and April weather, which can be changeable.”

Mr Downes says temperatures will feel quite cold today and will average between five to nine degrees, with the north of the country experiencing the lowest temperatures.


“Fresh northerly winds will make it feel much colder. We are reaching the harsher end of March, but there will still be sunshine,” he said.

In the afternoon, there will be occasional showers of rain, which will become more widespread across the northern and eastern coasts from tonight.

“There will also be a hard frost, with temperatures dropping between minus one to four degrees,” said Mr Downes.

Friday morning will be clear and bright but clouds will build up over the north throughout the day, making it colder than the rest of the country. “The south will experience the most sunny spells. Rain will arrive in Ulster and north east Leinster in the late afternoon.”

Temperatures will average between six to nine degrees. “The winds from Thursday will have eased back to light to moderate.”


This weekend’s weather will be a mixed bag, with rain expected on Saturday. It will be a rather cloudy day, with frequent showers, but some sunny spells will also break through, Mr Downes said. “It won’t be overcast.”

Average temperatures will be between seven to 10 degrees, and light north-westerly breezes are also expected. “The winds aren’t as much of a factor over the weekend.”

Sunday will be mainly dry and slightly warmer than the previous few days. Sunny spells will be interspersed with some showers and average temperatures between eight to 11 degrees are expected.

However, more organised rain from the north west will arrive on Sunday night.

Next week is set to be milder, according to Mr Downes.