Coronavirus: gardaí urge public to keep social distancing

Call for compliance comes ahead of expected Covid-19 surge

A Garda Covid-19 checkpoint in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, on March 31st. Photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Gardaí have urged the public to continue social distancing ahead of the expected coronavirus surge.

Garda Deputy Commissioner John Twomey, who heads up the Garda’s National Covid-19 Co-ordination Centre, said: “We want to thank people for the high level of compliance with the health guidelines.

“It is vital that continues today and for the rest of the time they are due to be in place.

“By working together and keeping to the HSE advice, we can flatten the curve and save lives.”


Mr Twomey added people should continue to stay home, exercise within 2km of their home, and carry on social distancing.

“The HSE guidelines are designed to ensure that we stop the spread of Covid-19 and we reduce the risk to our friends and families. It is in all our interests that they are adhered to,” he added.

On Saturday it was announced that 17 more patients diagnosed with Covid-19 had died in Ireland, bringing the overall death toll to 137.

And 331 new cases were confirmed, bringing the total number of detections to 4,604. – PA