Dart services shut down due to fire started by teen gang in Kilbarrack

Rival gangs burn Halloween stashes, firefighters to stay overnight at Richmond Road blaze

The fire on Richmond Road. Photograph: Dublin Fire Brigade/Twitter

A fire believed to have been started by a teenage gang has resulted in power lines for Dart rail services having to be shut down late on Sunday night at Kilbarrack in north Dublin.

A spokesman for Dublin Fire Brigade said Iarnród Éireann had been requested to switch off the power lines while fire officers dealt with the blaze.

The fire started when a stash of bonfire wood beneath the lines was set alight.

The fire on Richmond Road on Sunday. Photograph: Dublin Fire Brigade/Twitter

Dart services have been stopped for the bank holiday weekend for repair and upgrade work.


The Dublin Fire Brigade spokesman said over the last few days gangs of teenagers have been burning each others’ stashes of bonfire wood, hidden for use on Halloween night on Tuesday, causing such fires.

Remaining overnight

Dublin Fire Brigade will remain overnight at the scene of a fire at an abandoned warehouse on Richmond Road in the Drumcondra area of Dublin.

Seven units were initially called to the blaze, which broke out at about 2pm on Sunday afternoon and four fire tenders, an aerial unit and a foam unit from Dublin Fire Brigade remained at the scene late on Sunday while the fire was brought under control.

Fire officers will remain at the scene overnight in case any “hot spots” reignite.

The road had been closed at the Ballybough Road junction and residents were being urged to close windows as a precaution because of smoke.

A significant number of businesses as well as houses and apartments are based in the Richmond Road area, close to the burned building.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times