Defence Forces member in hospital after parachute ‘hard landing’

Incident occurred during parachute training at Custume Barracks in Athlone

A member of the Defence Forces is being treated in hospital as a result of a “hard landing” during a parachute jump in Co Westmeath Friday. Photograph : Matt Kavanagh / The Irish Times

A member of the Defence Forces Black Knights Parachute Team is being treated in hospital following a “hard landing” during a parachute jump in Co Westmeath Friday.

It is believed the parachute team member, who is an experienced skydiver and holds the rank of corporal, collided with a stationary truck while coming in to land at Custume Barracks in the centre of Athlone at around midday.

He was was transferred to Tallaght Hospital from the army base by air ambulance shortly after the incident.

It is understood he suffered head, leg and facial injuries during the landing.


The incident occurred while the corporal was practicing with the Black Knights ahead of a Family Open Day, which is due to take place in Custume Barracks on Sunday.

A Defence Forces spokesman said he was conducting “routine parachute training” when the incident occurred.

“As he came in to land in the Barracks Square he suffered injuries as a result of a hard landing,” the spokesman explained.

While the spokesman wouldn’t be drawn on the extent of the injuries, it is believed the corporal is in a serious condition but responding well to treatment in hospital.

The Defence Forces is expected to conduct an investigation in relation to the incident.

Minister of State with responsibility for defence Paul Kehoe issued a statement through his department in relation to the incident.

It said: “A member of the Defence Forces was conducting routine parachute training today in the vicinity of Custume Barracks, Athlone.

“As he came to land on the Barracks’ Square he suffered injuries due to a hard landing. He was transferred to Tallaght Hospital. He is responding well to treatment.”

“The primary concern of Minister Kehoe is for the well-being of the Defence Force member. The Minister will be seeking a report on the incident,” the statement concluded.