Do you know of a building with serious defects? Tell us about it

Fire safety issues and structural defects are common in many boomtime apartments

Fire safety issues like those seen in St James’s Wood are common in many apartment buildings built during the boom. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times

Over the last number of months, The Irish Times has revealed a number of Celtic Tiger-era apartment blocks with serious fire safety issues and structural defects. We want to find out more about these buildings, what is being done to repair the damage and if owners are being faced with huge bills. Do you know of a building with issues like these? Do you live in one, or own one? Is there anywhere you suspect has issues like these? Please let us know about it by using the form here. (If you are reading this in the Irish Times app, you can access the form here).

You can also contact journalist Niamh Towey via email at Thank you.

Niamh Towey

Niamh Towey

Niamh Towey is an Irish Times journalist