Dublin Bus says success of new effort to resolve row over costs ‘critical’ to its future

Industrial relations experts appointed to investigate rejection of savings plan

Noel Dowling is one of two industrial relations experts appointed to investigate why drivers at Dublin Bus have repeatedly rejected cost-saving plans

Two experienced industrial relations experts have been appointed to carry out an urgent investigation into why drivers at Dublin Bus have repeatedly rejected cost-saving plans at the company.

The Department of Transport said the group, established by the Government, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and employers group Ibec, had engaged former Siptu official Noel Dowling and Ultan Courtney, managing director of Courtney HR, to carry out the inquiry. It said they had been asked to report back to the group in the shortest possible timescale.

Dublin Bus said it was critical to the future of the business that the new initiative to resolve the row over its financial difficulties was successful. Drivers at the company have rejected several sets of proposals over the last year aimed at generating savings of over €11 million.

Dublin Bus said it welcomed the initiative by the group established by the Government, Ibec and the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.


"The company's difficult financial situation has been accepted by the Labour Court and by the trade unions' own independent financial assessors. It was agreed that immediate cost reductions are imperative to protect the future of the company and provide security for employees."

"Having exhausted all of the State's industrial relations mechanisms at the Labour Relations Commission and Labour Court, this initiative now constitutes the final effort to resolve these issue . . .

“Dublin Bus will engage positively and constructively in this process.”

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent