Dublin City Council installs new outdoor dining tables in four locations

Picnic benches installed with parasols for weather protection

The practical questions are considerable, politically tricky and encompass far more than providing a budget for the mayor and staff. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Dublin City Council has installed picnic benches with parasols in four areas of the city.

The new public seating areas called "A Seat for You" will be located inside the main gate of Dublin Castle, the Mansion House forecourt, at Capel Street between the junctions of Parnell Street and Ryder's Row and on the median in the centre of Lower O'Connell Street.

They are being installed by the Office of City Recovery, to facilitate outdoor dining.

The tables will have parasols overhead for protection from the weather.


The seating areas will be open for public use on Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 8pm, beginning June 12th, and running initially for four weeks.

Up to 30 people can be facilitated at any one time in each area.

Speaking at the launch of the initiative outside the Mansion House on Saturday, the Lord Mayor Hazel Chu said: "I welcome the introduction of the four new seating areas in the city and am particularly happy to have one on the forecourt of the Mansion House.

“It is vitally important for older people and also families with children, to be able to sit down, relax and refresh during their visit to the city. In the midst of the excitement that Dublin offers, these little oases are wonderful and I encourage people to use them and to enjoy the Dublin experience”.

Dublin City Council faced fierce criticism in recent weeks for not having the city ready for reopening. It responded by putting in 150 portoloos and 130 bins into the city centre.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times