Eight children rescued from Sligo Bay

Dinghies taking part in training session are hit by squall

Beth Armstrong, who was the chief instructor of a group of children when the boats they were in capsized in high winds at Rosses Point in Sligo, yesterday. Photo: James Connolly / PicSell

Eight children were rescued in Sligo Bay after their
dinghies were hit by a squall yesterday.

Five Laser Pico boats with three children in each, and two rescue ribs, were taking park in a sailing course run by Sligo Yacht Club when the weather turned at noon yesterday.

Three of the dinghies capsized.

Senior instructor Beth Armstrong, a European Mirror ladies' champion, transferred the children, who were aged between nine and 12, into the two rescue ribs and called the RNLI for back up.


Sligo RNLI said one person was taken from the water and eight others transferred from the ribs and brought ashore.

Willie Murphy, operations manager, said all the children were medically assessed.

He said they were a bit cold and shaken, but did not require further treatment.