Five things you need to know today

It’s hot and getting hotter, the Republican convention is on and some advice for teens on holidays

How long will it last? Tahilia Murphy (2) and ‘Roxy’ pictured on Bray Seafront in on Monday. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times.

1. Weather

Met Éireann has had to issue a high temperature warning for the first time in three years as temperatures in the high 20s are forecast. Tuesday is expected to be the hottest day of the year to date with temperatures soaring to 28 degrees in parts of the midlands and western areas.

2. Republican convention

Melania Trump, wife of Donald Trump, sought to puncture her husband's divisive reputation in the first headline speech of the party's convention by casting him as a man who would represent all Americans as president.However Mrs Trump's speech was not without its own controversy as it later emerged that parts of the address appeared to have plagiarised Michelle Obama's speech to the Democratic national convention in 2008.


3. Social housing plans

A Government plan to be published today will propose the building of social housing on a scale not seen in decades.The target for social housing units will be increased from the building of 35,000 by 2021 to a target of between 45,000 and 50,000, the figure recently recommended by the Oireachtas committee on housing.

The plan will contain a push towards so-called “mixed tenure” developments in an effort to ensure that the vast majority of State-owned lands are not used for one type of housing. This will prevent estates and developments that are comprised entirely of council homes, as happened in previous decades.

4. Longitude noise a "living hell" for residents

Residents of south Dublin endured "three days of hell" as a result of the Longitude Festival in Marlay Park last weekend,a local parks campaign group has said. "They are actually worse going into the concert that they are coming out. They fall off the buses already dreadfully inebriated and throw up on the ground. They're not as bad coming out," the spokeswoman said.

5. Ireland can shape debate on terrorism in Europe

Fintan O'Toole believes that, in Ireland, most of us are terrorism experts, "and it might be time that we both owned up about this knowledge and tried to do something positive with it".

And finally: Is the sight of a huddle of hoodies enough to send you scuttling across the road? Well, it is the summer, so if you see teenagers loitering without intent over the next few weeks, they are on holiday, so give them a break.