Five things you need to know today

Brexit and united Ireland; weather outlook; insurance; Mexico crime; Black Friday

Britain’s exit from the EU could result in an ‘uncomplicated route’ to a united Ireland, says Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

1. Kenny says Brexit could bring about united Ireland

Britain’s exit from the EU could result in an “uncomplicated route” to a united Ireland, Taoiseach Enda Kenny told a private Fine Gael fundraising event.

Mr Kenny again raised the prospect of a united Ireland as a possible outcome of Brexit at an event for one of his backbenchers. in new window ]

2. Warnings issued over freezing conditions and fog


Road users have been warned over fog and icy roads this morning as temperatures fell as low as minus 5 degrees overnight.

National forecaster Met Éireann has issued a status orange weather warning for Co Mayo and Co Donegal due to the freezing temperatures. The warning will be in effect until 10am. in new window ]

3. Motor insurance industry accused of cartel-like methods

The motor insurance industry and the Central Bank have been accused of throwing consumers to the wolves over the cost of car insurance, and spiralling premiums are unlikely to be reversed in the near future as a result, an Oireachtas committee has warned.

In a hard-hitting report, the Joint Committee on Finance said the motor insurance industry had deliberately been hiding key information from public view and engaging in cartel-like behaviour. in new window ]

4. Mexican soldiers find 32 bodies, nine heads in secret graves

Soldiers have found 32 bodies and nine human heads in an area of southern Mexico where rival drug gangs have been engaged in a wave of extortion, kidnappings and turf battles.

They found secret graves on Tuesday at an outlaw camp in Guerrero state after receiving a tip-off that people were being held at the site, and rescued a kidnap victim and discovered 12 bodies. in new window ]

5. Black Friday: Irish shoppers look online following sterling fall

The post-Brexit collapse in sterling is likely to see a massive surge in people shopping on UK-based websites as Black Friday dawns.

While many traditional retailers will be gearing themselves up for a dramatic increase in footfall over the course of the day, most deals are likely to be done in the virtual world with online sales set to jump by more than two-thirds. in new window ]

And finally. . . Schmidt wants to end 2016 with another piece of history

“The prize may not be a first win in 111 years but it is huge nonetheless. Tomorrow at the Aviva Stadium this Irish squad can become the first in history to beat the southern hemisphere big three of South Africa, New Zealand and Australia in the same calendar year.,” writes Gerry Thornley. in new window ]