Five things you need to know today

Kenny on SF coalition; Mexico border; RTÉ sale; Kinahan gang arrests; May in the US

US president Donald Trump boards Marine One at the White House ahead of a trip to Philadelphia. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

1. Taoiseach not ruling out coalition with Sinn Féin

Political Editor A future coalition between Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin was unlikely, but not impossible, senior figures in both parties indicated yesterday.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny declined to rule out a possible coalition with Sinn Féin, though he said he did not envisage such a scenario arising in the near future. in new window ]

2. Trump hit by first diplomatic crisis over Mexico border wall


US president Donald Trump became embroiled in a diplomatic spat on just his sixth full day in office after Mexico’s president cancelled a meeting with him over his plans to build a border wall between the countries.

A day after Mr Trump insisted Mexico would pay for the multi-billion dollar barrier, Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled their meeting scheduled for next Tuesday in response to the US president’s tweets that they should call off their summit over Mexico’s refusal to fund it. in new window ]

3. Kinahan gang suspects’ Garda detention extended

Gardaí investigating the Kinahan crime gang must today charge or release four men arrested after cash and firearms were seized in Co Dublin.

Only one of those arrested was on the premises when Garda teams moved in and raided the warehouse targeted on Tuesday where a search yielded 15 firearms. in new window ]

4. May calls on US to ‘renew special relationship’ with UK

British prime minister Theresa May told a Republican retreat in Philadelphia that the US and the UK could not return to “the failed policies of the past” by intervening military in foreign countries.

Speaking ahead of her first meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House on Friday, Ms May drew a line under the foreign interventions of the Bush-Blair era. in new window ]

5. RTÉ could raise €70m from sale of half its Donnybrook site

RTÉ could be in line to raise €70 million or more following its decision to sell half of its Donnybrook site in Dublin within the next six months.

Although RTÉ did not say how much land it is selling, it is believed it could amount to about 15 acres, half of the 31-acre site the broadcaster has occupied since 1961. in new window ]