Five things you need to know today

Oscar blunder; ASTI strike threat; Death of farmer (90); Trump nominee withdraws

Best supporting actor winner Mahershala Ali, for Moonlight and best actress Emma Stone for La La Land, hold their Oscars. Lucas Jackson/Reuters

Shock as Moonlight takes Oscar for best picture minutes after La La Land is announced winner
The 89th Academy Awards ended on Monday morning with what is was certainly the most shocking moment in Oscar history.
In the final segment of the ceremony, Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty announced that, as everyone expected, Damien Chazelle's La La Land had won best picture. The producers of that musical were halfway through their acceptance speech when Beatty sidled in to confirm there had been an error. The winner was, in fact, Barry Jenkins's Moonlight.

ASTI threatens strike action if schools let teachers go
Teachers in dozens of schools look set to become the first public sector workers to be made redundant since the start of the economic crash due to their escalating dispute with the Government.
The Association of Secondary Teachers, Ireland (ASTI) has pledged to immediately ballot its membership on industrial action if any of its members are made redundant.
This raises the prospect of potential disruption to tens of thousands of students preparing for their State exams in June.

Gardaí to provide update on death of farmer (90) in isolated home
Gardaí are expected to outline the next step in their investigation into the suspicious death of a 90-year- old man in Co Waterford at the weekend when they hold a press briefing on Monday following the completion of a postmortem last night.
Senior gardaí were remaining tight-lipped last night following the completion of the postmortem by assistant State Pathologist, Dr Margaret Bolster on the body of retired farmer, Paddy Lyons from Ballysaggart near Lismore in west Waterford.
Mr Lyons, who lived alone in a cottage some 400m down a laneway off the main road between Ballysaggart and Araglin, about 1km from Ballysagggart village, was found around 5pm on Saturday by a neighbour who also acted as his home help.

Trump's nominee for Navy secretary withdraws
President Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of the Navy withdrew from consideration Sunday, saying that meeting the government's ethics guidelines would require too great a financial sacrifice.
Philip Bilden, a former military intelligence officer who ran the Hong Kong branch of a private equity firm, said in a statement that he had informed defence secretary Jim Mattis that he did not want to continue to seek confirmation a month after he had been named for the post.


Dump spilling toxic asbestos on to Bray beach
An exposed dump is spilling toxic asbestos on to a beach in Bray, Co Wicklow – and may contain more then twice the volume of waste as thought.
For decades the former Bray Urban Council dumped municipal waste on the site north of the harbour, most of which is actually in Co Dublin, making it now the responsibility of Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
In September 2005, after the environmental group Coastwatch reported the dump had begun falling into the sea, an assessment carried out by Wicklow County Council estimated the waste could amount to as much as 48,000 cubic metres in volume.

And finally: 'Trump could not live without the press. It is his crack'
Maureen Dowd writes that in his heyday, 'President Action' used fake news to sell himself as a chick magnet