Gardaí hope forensic tests can give clues on death of man (62) in North Cork

Potential weapons including knives have been sent for forensic examination

A man was found injured at a house on O’Brien Terrace (general view above) in Buttevant by paramedics after his partner alerted the emergency services at about 9.30pm on Thursday night. Photograph: Google Street View

Gardaí investigating the death of a man aged 62 in a house in North Cork are hoping that forensic tests on a number of potential weapons will clarify what exactly happened to him.

The man was found injured at a house on O'Brien Terrace in Buttevant by paramedics after his partner alerted the emergency services at about 9.30pm on Thursday night.

Paramedics worked on the casualty to try and resuscitate him but he failed to regain consciousness. A local GP pronounced the man dead at the scene and gardaí began an investigation.

Officers requested the services of the State Pathologist's Office, and Assistant State Pathologist Dr Margaret Bolster carried out a postmortem on the man's body at Cork University Hospital on Friday.


Gardaí have not released the results of the postmortem for operational reasons, but it’s understood the man had at least one serious injury that may have contributed to his death.

Garda technical experts recovered a number of potential weapons including some knives, and these have been sent for forensic examination to see if they played any part in the man’s death.

They are also waiting on the results of toxicology tests on samples taken at postmortem by Dr Bolster.

Gardaí have began door-to-door inquiries in the O’Brien Terrace area. They also harvested CCTV footage from around Buttevant to try to establish when the man was last seen alive.

They appointed a Family Liaison Officer to assist the man’s partner, from whom they hope in coming days to take a detailed witness statement.

Anyone who has any information that might assist gardaí in their investigation into the death of the man, a native of Cork city, is asked to contact Mallow Garda Station on 022-31450.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times