Gardaí appeal for help in locating missing Kilkenny teenager

Damien Cullen (16) missing from St Luke’s Hospital since Friday

Damien Cullen (16) has been missing from St Luke’s Hospital since Friday, June 22nd. Photograph: Garda Press Office

Gardaí have requested the public’s help in tracing a teenage boy missing from a Kilkenny hospital.

Damien Cullen (16) has been missing from St Luke's Hospital since Friday, June 22nd. He had been a patient a patient at the hospital, according to gardaí.

Damien is described as being 5ft 6in in height, of thin build, with short brown hair. When last seen, he was wearing an orange tee-shirt, wine-coloured hoodie, grey tracksuit bottoms and black trainers.

Anyone with information has been asked to contact Kilkenny Garda Station (0567775000) or any Garda station.