Gardaí recover gun believed to have been used in Cork shooting

Ciara Sheehan (21) recovering in hospital after being shot in throat at house

Ciara Sheehan (21) is recovering at Cork University Hospital after undergoing surgery early on Sunday morning to remove a bullet from her neck.

Gardaí investigating the shooting of a young woman in a gun attack on a house in Cork city over the weekend have recovered a handgun which they believe was used in the shooting.

Gardaí have confirmed that they have recovered an automatic pistol in the Shanakiel area which they believe was used in the gun attack in which 21-year-old Ciara Sheehan was injured.

A Garda spokesman that the gun will be examined by Garda ballistics experts to see if it matches the bullet which was removed from Ms Sheehan when she underwent emergency surgery on Sunday.

The weapon is currently being brought to Dublin for examination by experts in the Garda Ballistics Section of the Garda Technical Unit along with the bullet removed from Ms Sheehan.


Gardaí are also hoping that the tests will reveal whether the gun was used in any other crimes including the drive-by shooting of a young man in the Knocknaheeny area of Cork in July 2014.

Ms Sheehan was visiting her boyfriend at his house at Hollywood Estate in Hollyhill when she was hit by a bullet fired through a downstairs window of the house at around 1.15am on Sunday morning.

She was with her boyfriend and two others at the time and they drove her to Cork University Hospital where she underwent emergency surgery for the wound to her neck.

According to a Garda source, the young woman was extremely lucky to survive as the bullet narrowly missed her jugular vein.

“This young woman was very fortunate not to have died – she was badly wounded but it could easily have been even worse for her and be could be dealing with a fatality here,” said a garda source.

Gardaí from Gurranabraher were quickly on the scene and arrested a 29-year-old man a short distance away in Shanakiel while they also arrested a 22-year-old woman in a nearby car.

The pair were arrested under Section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act which allows gardaí detain suspects for offences involving the use of firearms for up to five days in total.

The man was taken to Gurranebraher Garda Station for questioning while the woman is being questioned by detectives at the Bridewell Garda Station about the shooting.

Gardaí have taken statements from the others who were in the house with the young woman while they have also carried out door to door inquiries in the Hollywood Estate and Hollyhill area.

Gardaí believe the shooting is linked to a personal feud between the 29-year-old suspect and a number of individuals in the Hollyhill area which has been ongoing for up to two years.

The feud has been marked to date by damage to houses but the shooting marks a serious escalation and gardaí have put on extra patrols in a bid to prevent any further escalation in the feud.

Supt Con Cadogan of Gurranebraher Garda Station said gardaí have received good co-operation to date from people in the area as he appealed to the public for assistance in their investigation.

“We would like to hear from anyone who may have seen anything unusual or suspicious in the Harbour View Road area of Knocknaheeny or the Hollywood Estate between 12.30am and 1.15am.

"We would also like to hear from anyone who saw anything suspicious in the Laurel Ridge area of Shanakiel or Blarney Road between the same times to contact us at Gurranebraher Garda Station."

Anyone can contact investigators at Gurranebraher Garda Station in confidence on 021-4946200 or the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times