Have you experienced sexual assault at third-level?

As three young female students report being raped in Cork, we want to hear from readers

If you have experienced a sexual assault while at third-level, The Irish Times would like to hear from you.

Three young female students from University College Cork and Cork Institute of Technology have reported being raped in Cork since the start of September. Mary Crilly of the Cork Sexual Violence Centre - where the incidents were reported - said there is an annual increase in young women contacting the centre when the Cork colleges return. This mirrors the experience on US campuses, where research shows first-year-students are particularly vulnerable.

Crilly said some young women do not report the assaults because they have been drinking and blame themselves for the attack. On other occasions, young women may not have been drinking at all, yet still did not report an attack.

If you have experienced a sexual assault while at third-level, The Irish Times would like to hear from you. What were the circumstances of the assault? Was the perpetrator known to you? Did you report the incident - or feel unable to do so?

You can use the form above to send us your story. Please keep the text under 400 words. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission - we will keep your name and contact details confidential.


Those who wish to be interviewed by a journalist can outline the details of their experience, and we will follow up by phone - please include a contact telephone number.

Your response may be used in our reporting.

Thank you.