Injuries Board awarded €22m in workplace claims last year

Employers urged not to cut corners on safety; Highest compensation was €330,000 in 2012

Patricia Byron chief executive of The Injuries Board urged employers not to cut corners on safety. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

The Injuries Board urged employers not to cut corners on safety as it released figures showing the highest workplace accident award last year was over €330,000.

The Injuries Board said it awarded some €22m compensation for 807 workplace claims last year, down slightly on 2012.

The average award given was €27, 286 and most awards (82 per cent) were under €38,000 the board said. Cavan had the highest average award of any county at €37,967.

Two workplace awards over €300,000 were given by the board last year, one for a crush accident and another involving a person being trapped in a machine.


Men were twice as likely as women to have a workplace injuries, accounting for seven in ten awards, the board said. Workers aged 25 to 34 were the main age cohort for awards, receiving a third.

Thursday was the most common day for accidents in the workplace while July saw the highest level of accidents, the board said. A third of awards were for trips, slips and falls.

"Prevention can only be achieved by employers leading the way on risk management through robust health and safety initiatives. Employees also need to play their part through awareness of workplace safety procedures, " Patricia Byron chief executive of the Injuries Board said in a statement marking European workplace safety week.

The Health and Safety Authority urged all business owners to "take some time this week to consider the safety systems they have in place and make sure not to leave anything to chance", chief executive Martina O'Halloran said.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times