Irish Water urges customers to keep conserving water despite cooler weather

Ninety-three water treatment plants still at risk of drought across country

People encouraged to not use hoses, pressure washers or paddling pools. Photograph: iStock

Irish Water is urging customers to continue conserving water, despite cooler temperatures and rainfall.

The demand for water remains high, particularly in tourist and coastal areas along the west and south coasts.

Ninety-three water treatment plants are currently in drought or at risk of drought. The majority of these plants serve water schemes in Limerick, Kerry, Cork, Wexford, Galway and Donegal.

However, the water body said they were currently no plans to enact a water conservation order.


Irish Water say most customers in these counties have had no impact to their water supply, but there are targeted night time restrictions in some counties to ensure customers have water during the day.

The rainfall predicted this week may help some schemes in the short term, but groundwater sources are slower to recharge and many water supplies will remain under pressure, according to Tom Cuddy, Irish Water’s Head of Asset Operations.

Mr Cuddy added that long-term weather forecasts predict drier than normal conditions in August, so this outlook is not set to change.

“Across the country Irish Water is working closely with our Local Authority partners to keep the taps flowing and we have put in place a range of measures including additional pumping at abstraction sources to increase supply of water, tankering water to reservoirs, changing networks to decrease the numbers of customers who could be impacted and in some cases reducing pressure at night-time to allow reservoirs to fill,” said Mr Cuddy.

“In addition we have seen a number of major bursts as increases in demand and drying ground conditions contribute to pipes bursting. We would like to thank customers for their patience as we mobilise crews to repairs and restore supplies.

“There are currently no plans to implement a Water Conservation Order and the majority of our water treatment plants continue to provide unrestricted water supplies to customers despite the high levels of demand.”

Mr Cuddy encouraged people to not use hoses, pressure washers or paddling pools.

He also said people should reuse household water for their garden, turn off the tap while brushing their teeth and take shorter showers.