Jerry O’Dea declines to provide clarification on car crash

Internal Garda inquiry is examining how investigation into collision was conducted

Fianna Fáil councillor Jerry O’Dea, the Metropolitan Mayor of Limerick who on Monday declined to make another statement on the circumstances surrounding a collision he was involved in last December. File photograph: Fianna Fáil

The Metropolitan Mayor of Limerick Jerry O’Dea has declined to respond to a call for him to further clarify the circumstances surrounding his car crash last December.

The crash is the subject of an internal Garda inquiry which is examining how the investigation into the crash was conducted.

At the Metropolitan District Meeting Anti Austerity Alliance councillor Cian Prendiville asked the Fianna Fáil mayor to make a further statement but Mr O’Dea declined.

It was the first monthly meeting of the Metropolitan District since an internal Garda investigation started into the handling of the investigation into a car crash involving Mr O’Dea.


Party colleague councillor Joe Crowley said all six Fianna Fáil members on the Metropolitan District were united in their support for Mr O’Dea .

“From our point of view we haven’t seen any evidence of anything concerning the incident. He made his own announcement on it himself, we read it in the paper and we took it as that was that. It’s up the gardai to do an investigation and surely they should come out with something then, and let that be what happens then.”

When asked if the outcome of the Garda inquiry should be made public, as suggested recently by Garda whistleblower John Wilson, Mr Crowley said: “If evidence comes up that is necessary to be aired then absolutely 100 per cent, it should be made public and that’s what we [Fianna Fáil ]would have agreed on at the time,” he said.

Addressing the council meeting on Monday, Mr Prendiville claimed he was forced to raise the matter in a public forum as Mr O’Dea had not responded to his emails.

“This issue has caused a lot of speculation and concern, and hangs over you and the council, and could be cleared up here and now by you making such a statement,” said Mr Prendiville.

Mr O’Dea has issued two statements on the matter. In the second he confirmed he had approached gardai about the status of a crash he was involved in last December before he was elected Metropolitan Mayor in June.

He also confirmed he was driving his own car when it overturned after he swerved to avoid another vehicle.

“My car overturned and the gardai and Fire Brigade attended the scene. No one was injured in this accident apart from myself,” he stated.

Mr O’Dea said he co-operated with gardai at all times.

“I made no effort to influence the gardai whatsoever. I now understand an internal Garda investigation is ongoing and this should be allowed to be completed. I very much regret the incident and unreservedly apologise for any controversy caused,” this statement continued.