Limerick man hoping to fight Isis detained at airport in London

Despite his ‘honourable intentions’, UK police could not permit David Hayes to travel

David Hayes intended on taking up arms in the fight against Islamic State. Photograph: Adrian Butler

A Limerick man who attempted to travel to Iraq to fight the Islamic State (Isis) was detained by airport security in London before his flight was due to depart.

David Hayes was due to fly to Turkey last week and then on to an Assyrian base near Mosul, Iraq, where he intended on taking up arms in the fight against Islamic State.

The 39-year-old from Kileely – which is near Thomond Park – has been left "disheartened" after being detained by anti-terrorism police in Gatwick Airport, who said that, despite his "honourable intentions", they could not permit him to travel.

He was detained for several hours at the airport, where he was questioned by plainclothes airport police.


"I've been observing what Isis are doing in Syria and Iraq and throughout the world," said the Limerick man who intended to join the Assyrian militia Dwekh Nawsha – a Christian military group created two years ago to fight Isis.

Mr Hayes claimed he decided to take action after he saw a disturbing photograph of a child who had been killed by Islamic State. “When I saw that, something in my heart just said I have to do something. I felt morally obligated to not just be a casual observer and have an opinion on Facebook about it, but to actually volunteer.


“So that’s what I said to the Assyrian people, I told them that I want to volunteer and put myself forward. That was two years ago, in 2014.”

A descendant of John Devoy – who took part in the Fenian rising in 1867, the 1916 Rising and the War of Independence – Mr Hayes likens his cause to that of the Irish rebels.

"The most vile organisation ever to spring up in mankind's history, in my opinion, is Isis. And the Assyrians are fighting for their survival. So I believe that I'm representing Ireland as well.

“I have to commit to four months, you’re asked to commit to three months,” he said before he flew to London. “You can’t just land as a volunteer and after two weeks decide you’re out, that it’s not for you. I’m a little bit scared, yes. I’m a little bit nervous, but I feel duty bound to go ahead and do it.”

Although stopped from travelling this time, he remains hopeful he will join the militia.

“I haven’t given up in regards to Isis or any grouping that threatens our way of life and who oppress and murder others.”