Murdered farmer’s funeral to take place in Co Waterford

Paddy Lyons (90) was found dead in his farmhouse near Ballysaggart

Paddy Lyons (90) was found dead in his rural farmhouse near the village of Ballysaggart in Co Waterford late last month.

The funeral of murdered farmer Paddy Lyons (90) is to take place in Co Waterford on Monday.

Mr Lyons was found dead in his rural farmhouse near the village of Ballysaggart late last month.

Ross Outram (26), a Clonmel resident, has been charged with his murder and is currently in custody.

The parish of Lismore and Ballysaggart said at the weekend that it will take “a long, long time” for neighbours to come to terms with the grief felt in the area since Mr Lyons was killed.


“His violent death has visited trauma on all the members of the community who had close contact with him,” the parish notes said.

“Our sympathy is with his relations and those who cared for him. With a death we move from numbness, sorrow and lastly to grief.”

Mr Lyons’s remains lay in repose at St Carthage’s mortuary in Lismore on Sunday before being removed to St Mary’s Church in Ballysaggart.

He will be buried in the adjoining graveyard after funeral Mass.

Last seen

He was last seen alive on the evening of February 24th and concern grew locally when he failed to attend the funeral of a neighbour and close friend, Maureen Walsh, the next day.

A couple who were regular visitors to the popular retired farmer called to his house the following evening and raised the alarm with another neighbour when Mr Lyons was seen slumped in his chair.

The emergency services attended the scene and pronounced him dead.