Police urge burglars who stole baby’s ashes to ‘do the right thing’

Victim says Belfast police believe thieves may have thought they were stealing drugs

Claire Smallwood from Belfast has appealed for the return of the ashes of her daughter Holly which were stolen from her home during a robbery on Tuesday. Photograph: Arthur Allison/Pacemaker.

Police have urged burglars who stole the ashes of a baby during a robbery in Belfast to "do the right thing" and return them to the infant's mother.

During a break-in at a house on the Ballygomartin Road on Tuesday night the burglars took a small plastic bag from a wooden box that was placed on a bedside table alongside family photographs.

"During the burglary…a small clear bag from a wooden box which contained the ashes of the victim's deceased baby daughter was taken," said PSNI Inspector Paul Noble.

“Understandably, this has left the victim extremely distressed. Therefore, we are appealing to whoever entered the property last night to please do the right thing and return the bag to police.”


Nothing else was taken in the burglary. The baby's mother, Claire Smallwood, said she was "absolutely devastated, angry and sickened" by the theft.

In a social media post she said her daughter’s name was Holly and that the burglary happened between 6.15pm and 9.30pm.

Ms Smallwood said police told her that they believed those responsible thought the ashes were drugs.

“We don’t care about whatever sick person has done this, we just want our Holly back,” she told the BBC.

“The worst thing about it is that when they realise what it is, and that it is no good to them, they will probably just throw it away like it’s nothing, but it’s everything to me.

“I feel like I have lost her twice and it feels even worse this time.”

Ms Smallwood appealed for anyone out walking in her local area to keep an eye out for a small clear bag with a knot tied at the top, in case it had been discarded. She said that anyone who lost a baby would understand how distressing the theft was.

She also urged whoever took the ashes to bring them to a community centre, shop or police station or leave them at her door. “Please put them back where they belong,” she said.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the PSNI.

Up to late Wednesday the ashes had not been returned.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times