PSNI to reopen heinous cold-case murder of Lorraine McCausland

‘Loyalist paramilitarism’ casts long shadow over rape and murder of vulnerable woman

Lorraine McCausland: Her death was described as “a merciless beating of a vulnerable young woman”.

The “shadow of loyalist paramilitarism hangs over” the rape and murder of a vulnerable mother of two young boys, a PSNI officer said on Wednesday when she announced the reopening of a cold-case murder of almost 30 years ago.

Detectives from the PSNI's serious crime branch said they have reopened the investigation into the murder of 23-year-old Lorraine McCausland in north Belfast in March 1987 because they believe there are potential new lines of inquiry.

Ms McCausland, who was found beside a stream in the Forthriver area of the city was last seen following a night out in a loyalist club at Tyndale in north Belfast.

"We believe she was raped in the club and later savagely beaten inside and outside the premises before her partially clothed body was dumped on open ground beside a nearby river," said Det Insp Michelle Griffin.


“This was a merciless beating of a vulnerable young woman. It has had a profound effect on her family. It would also have had a lasting impact on the people who witnessed these events 29 years ago. The people involved in this attack are still at large,” she added.

“Everybody in the area knew Lorraine and liked her for her personality and kindness. But some people have been reluctant to assist with the investigation into her rape and murder,” said Det Insp Griffin.

“The shadow of loyalist paramilitarism hangs over this case. I believe people have been reluctant to tell the truth about that night, what they saw and heard, what they know, because they are frightened.”


Det Insp Griffin said she understood such fear but believed there were ways of dealing with this and “providing a mechanism to enable people to come forward and tell us what they know about the events of that night so that we can get justice for Lorraine and her family”.

She joined Ms McCausland’s sister Cathy McIlvenny in appealing for people to come forward. She said police would “do everything in our power to ensure they do so in safety and confidence”.

The officer said 14 people were arrested at the time but no one was charged. Detectives conducted 29 searches and took more than 100 witness statements. A total of 107 exhibits were submitted for forensic examination and 45 exhibits subjected to examination by fingerprint experts.

“Much work has already been done on this investigation. We are seeking to obtain the additional and crucial information from people in the community who can help Lorraine and her family achieve closure and justice,” said Det Insp Griffin.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times