RTÉ reporter interrupted by protesters live on air

Water charges activists disrupt Ciaran Mullooly’s report on flooding in Athlone

RTÉ reporter Ciaran Mullooly being interrupted by protesters during an update on flooding in Athlone on Monday, January 4th.

RTÉ reporter Ciaran Mullooly was interrupted live on air by water charges protesters during Monday evening’s Six-One news bulletin.

Mr Mullooly was delivering a report from Athlone, Co Westmeath, on the effects of recent flooding in the area, when two protesters with signs saying “Sink the Water Charges” appeared behind him.

The reporter did not respond to the intrusion, and continued with his update as the camera zoomed in in order to block out the activists.

However, news anchor Sharon Ní Bheoláin told Mr Mullooly at the end of his report that there was “some shenanigans going on behind you”.