Single ticket wins Lotto jackpot of more than €5m

Number of overall lottery prize draw winners falls since game changes made in September

A single ticket has won the Lotto jackpot of more than €5 million. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

One lucky ticket-holder has won the Lotto jackpot worth more than €5 million.

The single winning ticket, which is worth €5,318,670, was sold in the midwest.

The numbers on the winning ticket from Wednesday night’s draw were 5, 7, 10, 18, 41 and 47. The bonus number was 44.

There were no winners of the lotto plus 1 and 2 draws worth €500,000 and €250,000 respectively.


Earlier this month, a south Dublin couple collected their jackpot win of more than €7.3 million from a draw held in September.

The couple bought the winning ticket in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin on September 15th, but did not realise they had won until almost two weeks later.

"I put it into a ticket checker in a shop in Killiney and the message told me to contact National Lottery offices," said the husband, who has remained anonymous, along with his wife.

He said: “I thought, ‘that’s strange’, so when I went back to the office, I put in the numbers on the web checker and all these fireworks went off. But I still didn’t believe anything great had happened.

“When I went home, my wife and I checked again on the web, the fireworks thing happened again. We sort of knew then that something big was about to happen.”

Despite the recent wins, the number of overall Lotto prize draw winners has fallen since the game was changed in September but the amount of money given out in prizes has increased, according to the operators.

On September 3rd, two extra numbers were added to the draw bringing the total number of balls up to 47 from 45. This means the odds of winning a jackpot lengthened from 8 million to one to 11 million to one.

According to the operator of the lottery Premier Lotteries Ireland (PLI), about 840,932 people claimed a total of €20.1 million in prizes during the seven weeks since the changes were introduced.

Figures released by PLI earlier this year which showed that the national lottery made a loss of €17.4 million in the 19 months to the end of 2014.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times