Support staff at Trinity College vote for industrial action

Dispute centres over contracts for lab staff, IT support and other personnel

Unite said 92 per cent of its members backed industrial action up to and including strike action in a ballot. Staff affected include laboratory staff and IT support personnel. Photograph: Alan Betson

Service and support staff in Trinity College Dublin who are represented by the Unite trade union have voted overwhelmingly for industrial action in a dispute over contracts.

Unite said the vote for industrial action followed a decision by management at the university to halt unilaterally future promotions for support and service staff, while also employing future personnel on five-year instead of permanent contracts.

It said 92 per cent of its members backed industrial action up to and including strike action in a ballot. Staff affected include laboratory staff and IT support personnel.

The chairman of Unite's TCD local committee David Grouse said: "The overwhelming vote for industrial action indicates the level of anger among Unite members.


“Support and service staff have made it clear that they will not allow management to attack their working terms and conditions without a significant response.

“We remain available to meet with management to discuss the issues causing this dispute, and we call on them to genuinely attempt to resolve these issues.”

Committee secretary Cieran Perry said the ballot result “gives us a clear mandate from our members for strike action if necessary, and we will have no hesitation in pursuing this option if management aren’t willing to genuinely engage with Unite”.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent