The device that makes muddy water drinkable

Every day, about 3,000 children die from diseases linked to contaminated water

A community committee in Haiti with the Safe Water Cube

Impact Journalism Day (June 24th, 2017) focuses on solutions-based journalism. Fifty leading media organisations, including The Irish Times, are sharing stories of innovative solutions to social issues around the world, in an initiative developed by Sparknews. Read our articles here: and follow the conversation on Twitter through #ImpactJournalism and #StoryOfChange.

The Safe Water Cube, created by French engineer Jean-Paul Augereau, is a water purification system. Some 20 of these boxes have already been installed in Morocco, India and Haiti.

The 1.2m cubed stainless steel container has five filters including sand and carbon. According to its creator, it makes all surface water, even muddy water, drinkable.

Destroys bacteria

It also destroys “all the viruses and bacteria responsible for diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera and hepatitis, without destroying the minerals in the water”, purifying up to 1,000 litres per hour without electricity.


The fountain costs €3,500 and is sold primarily to humanitarian organisations and local authorities. According to the UN, 10 per cent of the world’s population lacks access to safe drinking water, and many have to travel miles to find a safe water source. Every day, about 3,000 children die from diseases linked to contaminated water.

www.safewatercube.comOpens in new window ]

This article was written for the French newspaper L'Actu