Irish summer college allowance rise

The Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuiv, has moved to alleviate the plight of the Irish summer college…

The Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Mr Ó Cuiv, has moved to alleviate the plight of the Irish summer college "bean a tí", who faces full exposure to the Revenue Commissioners from next year.

Mr Ó Cuiv has decided to increase the allowance paid to each bean a tí as a daily rate for keeping a student from €7 to €8 for the current year, representing an increase from €49 to €56 a week. As part of an agreed arrangement with the Irish colleges or colaistí samhraidh, the colleges will also pay €1.20 for every €1 that the Department pays for the keep of students.

Last month, it was confirmed that the Revenue Commissioners had suspended the arrangement whereby each bean a tí accommodating Irish language students at summer colleges was liable for tax on only 10 per cent of the total income from students.

After talks between the National Federation of Irish Language Colleges and the Revenue it was agreed to leave the 10pc scheme in place for this year and to initiate annual returns from next January.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times