Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian in gunbattle

Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian militant in the West Bank after they tried to arrest him this morning.

Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian militant in the West Bank after they tried to arrest him this morning.

Soldiers arrived at the house of the gunman, a member of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, in the village of Beir Sahur, near Bethlehem and called for him to surrender.

A gunbattle broke out between them and troops shot him dead, witnesses said.

An Israeli army spokeswoman said the soldiers arrived at the building with the intention of arresting the militant and fired at him inside the house after spotting him with a rifle.


A suicide bomber from al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, an armed group within Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah faction, killed four Israelis in the West Bank last week in the first such attack in months.