Italian flash flood kills 10 campers

Soverato - Floodwater and mud swept through a campsite in southern Italy yesterday, killing 10 people, some of them among a group…

Soverato - Floodwater and mud swept through a campsite in southern Italy yesterday, killing 10 people, some of them among a group of disabled holidaymakers.

After some confusion, the death toll figure was announced by Interior Minister Enzo Bianco who visited the scene of the disaster at the campsite, a few km north of the coastal town of Soverato in the region of Calabria in the toe of Italy.

The number of missing was reduced to five from 13, and Mr Bianco said the reason for uncertainty over the numbers involved was because campsite records had been swept away.

More than 40 other people among the group of disabled, volunteers helping them and a number of tourists, all believed to be Italian, were treated for injuries.