Guy Barker (above)is established as one of the most accomplished, lyrical trumpet and flugelhorn players in jazz in Britain or…

Guy Barker (above)is established as one of the most accomplished, lyrical trumpet and flugelhorn players in jazz in Britain or anywhere else - with three Verve albums to his name and a wealth of experience to prove it. Over the years he has worked with iconic figures such as Stan Tracey and Carla Bley, as well as singers of the calibre of Sinatra, Torme and Cleo Laine, bringing an adaptability and a finely honed sensibility to bear on whatever context he finds himself in. In Dublin next week this will be provided by his regular quintet, an impressive line-up he's had since 1996 - Perico Sambeat (saxophone), Bernardo Sassetti (piano), Geoff Gascoigne (bass) and Sebastian de Krom (drums) - over Wednesday and Thursday at Renards, South William Street, Dublin.