Jewish settlers attack Netanyahu at wedding

Supporters of Jewish settlers attacked Benjamin Netanyahu at a wedding but the former Israeli prime minister escaped unhurt, …

Supporters of Jewish settlers attacked Benjamin Netanyahu at a wedding but the former Israeli prime minister escaped unhurt, police and media said today.

A small group vehemently opposed to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's plan to withdraw Israelis from the Gaza Strip shouted at Mr Netanyahu: "Murderer, your day will come" in the Thursday evening incident, the daily Yedioth Ahronothsaid.

Reports said a plate was thrown at Mr Netanyahu, now finance minister, at the wedding in the ultra-Orthodox village of Kfar Habad near Ben Gurion International Airport outside Tel Aviv. Police said a tyre on his car was slashed.

Wedding guests held back the assailants as security guards whisked away Mr Netanyahu (55) in another vehicle.


"We believe that the heckling was carried out by up to three minors although nobody has been arrested yet," police spokesman.

He said officers would be examining camera film and video footage of the wedding to try to identify the attackers.