Judge rules that garda breached bail conditions

A judge has certified that a garda breached the conditions of his bail bond before a jury found him not guilty of sexual assault…

A judge has certified that a garda breached the conditions of his bail bond before a jury found him not guilty of sexual assault last July.

However, Mr George Bermingham, prosecuting counsel, told Dublin Circuit Criminal Court that the State was not seeking to estreat the garda's bail.

Judge Patrick Smith certified the garda was in breach of his recognisances before his trial through contacting the alleged injured party and offering him an inducement not to give evidence.

The 43-year-old garda was acquitted by a jury in July, after a three-day trial, of three charges of buggery of a male person, indecent assault and gross indecency on dates in 1987 and 1988.


The trial originally was scheduled for a date in June but was adjourned when the alleged victim didn't appear.

He was arrested on a bench warrant some weeks later and when brought before the court alleged to Judge Smith that the garda had offered him £10,000 not to give evidence in the trial.

A bench warrant was then issued for the garda who appeared voluntarily the next day.

He denied making the inducement but was put into custody for some days. Because of that, he was given an early trial which ended in his acquittal.