June Live Register figures up by 7,000

The number of people on the Live Register for June rose by over 7,000 people.

The number of people on the Live Register for June rose by over 7,000 people.

A detailed analysis of the Live Register published this morning by the Central Statistics Office shows that a total of 28,982 persons signed on in June, and 21,808 signed off giving a net increase of 7,174 persons in the month.

This compares with a monthly increase of 3,882 in June 2000.

However, after adjusting for seasonal factors the Register decreased by 1,000 in the month with the seasonally adjusted total decreasing from 141,600 in May to 140,600 in June. Other features include:

  • On a weekly basis, new registrations were higher and outflows from the register were lower in June this year than in June 2000.
  • In June, there were 5,796 new claimants per week. This was 146 per week higher than the June 2000 figure of 5,650 new claimants per week.
  • In June 2001 an average of 4,362 people per week left the Live Register, compared with 4,874 in June 2000.
  • On average, the number of male registrants rose by 339 per week in June, and the number of female registrants increased by 1,096.

The Live Register is not designed to measure unemployment. It includes part-time workers (those who work up to three days a week), seasonal and casual workers entitled to unemployment assistance or benefit.

Unemployment is measured by the Quarterly National Household Survey and the latest figure, for December - February 2001 is 65,600 persons unemployed.