Kenny criticises Ahern's SF remarks

Comments by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Ahern, that it was only a matter of time before Sinn Féin was in government, …

Comments by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Ahern, that it was only a matter of time before Sinn Féin was in government, were described in the Dáil as "extraordinary", writes Marie O'Halloran.

The Fine Gael leader, Mr Enda Kenny, demanded to know if the Minister had the "imprimatur of the Government" for making his comments, since the Taoiseach was in Asia.

Challenging the Tánaiste, Ms Harney, he also asked whether Mr Ahern was speaking for the PDs and if there was a proposal to change the legislation underpinning the Belfast Agreement.

Ms Harney said Mr Kenny was "well aware of my views on Sinn Féin. In addition to their links with the IRA, I think their economic policies would destroy the country."


She said Fine Gael deputy Mr Michael Ring had suggested his party should go into coalition with Sinn Féin.

"Maybe deputy Kenny should start with his own house first."

Mr Ahern had told reporters at Hillsborough Castle that Sinn Féin could not participate in government in the Republic so long as the IRA held on to its weapons and continued to be in office, but if circumstances changed, then it was only a matter of time before Sinn Féin would be in government and he hoped that happened in the future.

Mr Kenny said the Government "seems to have changed its tune on the releases of the killers of Jerry McCabe". He claimed the Taoiseach had called the Sinn Féin leader, Mr Gerry Adams, a "liar" and that the "Minister for Justice says the IRA and Sinn Féin are involved in criminal activity in Dublin port".

Sinn Féin's Mr Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin said there was a "coalition of the confused" in the Dáil and that Mr Kenny was "permanently confused". The party had described Mr Ahern's comments as merely "acknowledging the reality" of Sinn Féin's mandate.