'Le Monde' to be sued

Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, Ireland's representative on the EU's spending watchdog, the Court of Auditors, is to sue the leading French…

Maire Geoghegan-Quinn, Ireland's representative on the EU's spending watchdog, the Court of Auditors, is to sue the leading French newspaper Le Monde after it wrongly alleged she had been mistress to Charles Haughey.

Mixing up Ms Geoghegan-Quinn with journalist Terry Keane during an obituary of Mr Haughey, the Paris-based newspaper wrote: "But the final tribute, perhaps, should come from Moira [stet] Geoghegan-Quinn, a journalist who was his mistress for 27 years and who used to describe him as 'Sweetie'."

Speaking from Luxembourg last night, Ms Geoghegan-Quinn told The Irish Times that she had already contacted her lawyers in Dublin.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times