Lewinsky wilts before cameras

London - A tearful Monica Lewinsky wilted just five minutes into a frantic photo session in London yesterday before signing her…

London - A tearful Monica Lewinsky wilted just five minutes into a frantic photo session in London yesterday before signing her book, Monica's Story, about her affair with President Clinton. The former White House intern was whisked away by security guards for a rest before facing the public and more than 70 photographers at Harrods department store.

Dressed in a navy blue pin-striped trouser suit and only occasionally lifting her eyes off the ground, Ms Lewinsky struggled to keep up a weary smile when photographers bathed her in flashlight for 15 minutes, demanding that she pose with her book.

Wiping a few tears from her eyes, she was led away by security guards for a 40-minute break before returning to continue with the signing. "It was all a bit overwhelming for her," Ms Laurie Mayer, Harrods director of public affairs, said. "She's not feeling great, she has a bit of a flu."