Lifeboat saves 6 after currach capsizes

A currach with six people on board capsized while en route from Connemara to Inishturk South, in Clifden Bay off the Connemara…

A currach with six people on board capsized while en route from Connemara to Inishturk South, in Clifden Bay off the Connemara coast, shortly before lunchtime yesterday. Lorna Siggins, Marine Correspondent, reports.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution's crew at Clifden, Co Galway, rescued all six people after their 5.8m (19ft) wooden currach capsized.

Four of the six were in the water, and two had managed to swim to the beach on the island when they were picked up by the lifeboat crew, along with four dogs.

Rescue services believe the quick response of an eyewitness and the use of lifejackets contributed to the successful rescue.


The alert was raised by Brian Hughes, joint owner of the Abbeyglen Hotel, in Clifden, who saw the small craft in difficulties.

Mr Hughes said he had just returned to Eyrephort beach, from Inishturbot island, in Clifden Bay. Conditions were difficult with rough seas and a heavy swell.

A currach owned by Clifden solicitor Emer Joyce was leaving Eyrephort beach about the same time with five other people on board. The party was heading for a holiday home on Inishturk South to spend the new year weekend.

"I decided to stay and watch while it made the two-mile sea journey, and it was about half- way out when the boat appeared to sink," Mr Hughes said. "I rang 999 and it is a miracle that everyone survived."

John Roberts, Clifden lifeboat operations manager, said the lifeboat was on the scene within minutes and picked up four people who were clinging to the upturned currach in the water, while two others had managed to swim ashore to Inishturk South.

"All six had been wearing lifejackets, which was fantastic, but the water was very cold and rough, and a minute later and we might not have been so lucky," Mr Roberts said.

"It was wonderful that the alarm was raised so quickly by Brian Hughes. Several of the survivors said they couldn't have held onto the boat for much longer."

The life boat skippered by coxswain Bernard Whelan took the four to Clifden lifeboat station. Two of them, who appeared to be suffering from hypothermia, were airlifted by the Shannon-based Irish Coast Guard Sikorsky helicopter to University College Hospital, Galway. Two companions were taken by ambulance to Clifden hospital.

The lifeboat then returned to Inishturk South to pick up the two women who swam to the island. "It was a textbook rescue, and all are safe and well," Mr Roberts added.

Last June, two English visitors lost their lives when they failed to return from an early morning swim off Eyrephort beach.