Limerick gardai link man's killing to feud

Gardaí in Limerick believe the killing of a man in Moyross on Sunday night may have been linked to a violent feud between rival…

Gardaí in Limerick believe the killing of a man in Moyross on Sunday night may have been linked to a violent feud between rival gangs in the city.

The dead man, named locally as Frankie Ryan (21), Delmege Park, Moyross, was shot at about 10.45pm on Sunday as he sat in his car with another man at Pineview Gardens.

He was known to gardaí and officers confirmed that one "line of inquiry" was a feud connection. It is believed Mr Ryan had links with a southside-based criminal gang actively involved in the supply of drugs in Limerick city.

Gardaí kept a heavy presence at the murder scene yesterday, with a large area around the red Toyota Carina closed to traffic and pedestrians. The car was positioned in the middle of a road facing into a cul-de-sac at Pineview Gardens, a neighbourhood of some 60 houses in the large Moyross estate.


Fifty yards from the car's position was the scene of an arson attack that left two children critically injured last week. However, gardaí do not believe the two incidents are related.

Groups of three and four gardaí carried out door-to-door inquiries yesterday, while members of the Garda Technical Bureau examined the area.

State Pathologist Dr Marie Cassidy inspected the murder scene before the body was removed to the Mid-Western Regional Hospital, where a postmortem examination was due to be carried out.

As part of the Garda investigation, an 18-year-old man was arrested on the Old Cratloe Road near Moyross at lunchtime yesterday and was being questioned under section 30 of the Offences Against the State Act.

Insp Anne Marie McMahon of Mayorstone Garda station said investigating officers were "pursuing a number of lines of inquiry" and she confirmed that "one of them [ is] that the death was in fact feud-related".

She said residents of Moyross had been "extremely helpful" to gardaí. "We've got lots of calls from the public and we appreciate their help very much. In that regard, I'm appealing to anyone out there who may have any information in relation to this incident . . . to come forward."

Gardaí are planning to study CCTV footage from several cameras installed in Moyross due to persistently high levels of anti-social behaviour, while a team from the National Bureau of Criminal Investigations is expected to assist detectives from Limerick with the investigation.

After the killing, Minister for Justice Michael McDowell promised 24-hour policing for the Moyross estate. Mr McDowell said he had spoken with the Garda Commissioner and told him that "funding was not the issue" and he should deploy his resources as he deemed appropriate.

"He has done so and drafted in extra resources into Moyross. They will get a full-time Garda presence until all of this ends," the Minister said.

Limerick East TD Jan O'Sullivan (Labour), said a "climate of fear" hung over certain parts of the city. "Contrary to popular public perception," Ms O'Sullivan said, "this is the first fatal shooting in Limerick in recent times.

"Yet, such is the tension that has been building between rival factions in the city in recent weeks this incident may well be the light that sparks a major feud between rival gangs."

A failure to introduce 24-hour policing in Moyross would "almost certainly lead to an escalation of violence", she warned.

Gardaí are appealing to anyone with information on Sunday night's shooting to contact Mayorstone station on 061-456980.