Live for Today

Today FM threw the party of all parties on Wednesday night to celebrate its first year on the airwaves since it transformed from…

Today FM threw the party of all parties on Wednesday night to celebrate its first year on the airwaves since it transformed from Radio Ireland. Three hundred guests celebrated in Clontarf Castle Hotel as Abbaesque sang the best of timeless tunes. After the food, Navan Man recounted "the story so far", using a video-diary that was definitely not for public consumption. Typically. the mystery man steered clear of the spotlight.

Taking their places at the top table were Eamon Dunphy, assistant producer Stuart Carolyn, general manager Dave Hammond, and marketing manager Elaine Quinn. The drunken politician never surfaced but hordes of drunken hacks and ad men diligently tried to live up to his high standards. Spot on, no bother.